The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

A riot of color.


By Stan510

A riot of color. (ficus elastica variegated.)

Variegated Ficus elastica doing well on little water. Euphorbia canariensis in between and Cordyline 'electric pink' Four's O Clock "hedge".

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They look great!

Ficus eleastica 'Decora' variegata needs virtually no water in summer.

The giant Ficus elastica 'Decora' trees here don't receive any water at all here in summer.

28 Jul, 2015


It took a while for this to get well rooted. The first few years Andy,I had a hedge of Hollywood Juniper to the left sucking up all the water. No sooner did I cut them down then the Ficus took off.

29 Jul, 2015


Ficus loves heat and sun. They grow fastest with lots of water even though they don't need a lot of water once established.

29 Jul, 2015

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