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Kitchen window border.

Kitchen window border.

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How do you manage all this exuberance.

3 Aug, 2015


My dream kitchen window border....I have always wanted to bring plants very close to the house, almost coming in the doors and windows.

4 Aug, 2015


It takes care of itself really Siris, I clear out the debris (weather permitting) in February and then it just comes back to life. I then only tweak and remove any weeds showing through that I can reach. I cannot get into the borders at this time of year as they are far too full and my size 8's just flatten things.

Glad you like it Michaella, it was a dream of mine too. :O) good to have dreams even though sometimes they are not achievable. Always have a dream!! you never know one day just one day it might come true. lol.

4 Aug, 2015


Even my size 4 flattens plants, bend over and bum knocks plants over.

4 Aug, 2015


now I know about that too lol. we have an electric fence around the field to protect the ducks from foxes and one day I bent down and the backside was obviously much bigger than I had anticipated, zippppppeeeee dooooo dah, needless to say I have remembered. lol now stop laughing I can hear you lol.

4 Aug, 2015


You are one clever lady ! Oh...I just read the last bit ! Shocking ! Hahaa!

5 Aug, 2015


thanks Rose, lol I did jump and vowed to go on a diet but still vowing. lol :O)

5 Aug, 2015


Thanks for the photo and the smile you have brought to my face.

6 Aug, 2015


you're welcome Siris glad you smiled :O)

6 Aug, 2015

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