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Sunbeam through the trees

Sunbeam through the trees

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And the Lord said 'I see you Lucifer'
What a lovely set of photos OliveO.

3 Aug, 2015


lol :O) thank you Siris glad you like!!

4 Aug, 2015


Wow, look at those Crocosmias ! I thought I had these , but they are more orange than red ! Great photo !

5 Aug, 2015


I have the orange ones too Rose they are about half the height of this red one (Lucifer) also have a yellow one which is nearly as tall as Lucifer, it is a beautiful colour and large flowers (Pauls Best Yellow) there are lots of other ones on the web. try googling and you will see how many different ones there are, I was amazed at how many there are.

5 Aug, 2015

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