Potted Shaving Brush Tree.
By Stan510
- 21 Aug, 2015
- 1 like
This is one of those tropicalia that you can forget about its 30'+ size. Here,it might make a really great sculptural in ground tree of less then 10'
I dont have room for that so its stays as a potted tree.
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That was my guess at how large they get in soucal. Florida too.
There is supposed to be one in ground at Stanford's desert garden.
It did do pretty good in my front yard..just got crowded out. It also was not protectable.
This one is about 10 years old? older? About that. This year its grown more then ever.
26 Aug, 2015
In the tropics it becomes a gigantic tree. I think there's some in Florida which are larger than 30' tall.
I posted several pics of several trees at Cuyamaca College. These trees are only 10 to about 15' tall. I wish I could find those pics on GoY. It's almost impossible to find my older pics on GoY, because the search doesn't work well.
I found the one at Morton's Botanical Gardens in Palm Springs.
27 Aug, 2015
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This photo is of species Pseudobombax ellipticum.
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I've seen some larger ones growing here in San Diego. It takes a long time to grow to 30' tall here. I've never seen on grow in the SF Bay Area. It needs a lot of heat to grow large. The largest one I've ever seen was in a botanical garden in Palm Springs. (It's Pseudobombax ellipticum, right?).
25 Aug, 2015