Around the corner- sort of.
By Stan510

3 Sep, 2015
Alocasia calidora. The Praying hands.
Comments on this photo
Here's a photo of my friends very tall A. calidora.
7 Sep, 2015
By Stan510
Alocasia calidora. The Praying hands.
Here's a photo of my friends very tall A. calidora.
7 Sep, 2015
It looks more like Alocasia macrorrhiza. A. calidora has wider leaves. I had A. calidora and the damn bugs ate the trunks. Almost all my beautiful Alocasias get eaten by bugs (the trunks and roots). I had much more beautiful Alocasias when I lived up there in the San Francisco Bay Area. I had huge 7 to 8' tall, gorgeous Alocasia macrorrhiza plants when I lived in Hayward and Fremont.
7 Sep, 2015