The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

It could be mid-June with this show of flowers.

It could be mid-June with this show of flowers.

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Wonderful roses Medowland. Are they all fragrant? I have second flush on my few roses as well.

9 Sep, 2015


Lovely,Meadowland..I think our gardens are looking more like summer now,than before..My Weigela is on it's second flush.. :o)

9 Sep, 2015


I agree Bloomer. My garden is at its best now. It was the same last year. It finally stopped raining on my roses and they are blooming lovely! This is a lovely one Julia!

9 Sep, 2015


Mine haven't been as good as usual,Karen,so all your rain must have helped in the end,but more sunshine for you would have been nice..We were told it was going to be lovely sunny week and getting warmer as it goes on..Thick fog and cold yesterday,and dull cloud today..warm? I think not :o(

9 Sep, 2015


Great! My roses are flowering again, not as good as yours though.
Bloomer - same here, thought we'd be BBQing all week - not. Cold yesterday and today warmish and tomorrow I'm at work, tut, could be the best day

9 Sep, 2015


Looking amazing and so healthy...

10 Sep, 2015

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