World Most Beautiful Corymbia species.
By Stan510

20 Sep, 2015
C.citriodora - elegant tall thin ghost white and very smooth trunk,tree.
Leafs when crushed smell lemony.
Comments on this photo
Beautiful looks not unlike a cloud tree.
28 Sep, 2015
This is from spring of a few years ago. Good thing I posted it- my old hard drive gave out and all my photos went with it. I think one day I'll have it fixed. It lasted 11 years.
I have other oldies on photobucket. Unless they deleted them. I stopped using them almost two years now.
28 Oct, 2015
My computer died last week. I just got a new computer about 4 days ago. Luckily, I have all my files and pics backed up on an external hard drive.
28 Oct, 2015
I know I should have done and do that now. What helps is- the very best photo's are on Daves Garden. I didnt have many people pics. Plants.
I see photobucket hasn't deleted y pics even if I cant get to them. So,the internet plant boards aren't filled with holes. Good advertising for them. I noticed i got a lot of traffic for them too. $20 next year- maybe.
29 Oct, 2015
It looks like the photo was taken in early spring.
I really like C. citriodora or formerly: Eucalyptus citriodora. It's so beautiful; however, can loose big branches in wind storms.
27 Sep, 2015