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Corsage Orchid

Corsage Orchid

New York Botanical Gardens

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Cymbidium orchids, me thinks. I have several colours of these. Unfortunately they do grow very big. The best I did was 13 flower spikes of about 10 flowers each of my cream with purple lip.

5 Oct, 2015


That's right Siris, Cymbidiums. They have a bad reputation for not repeat flowering, but when they do...oh boy! 13 flower spikes is pretty good Siris ☺

5 Oct, 2015



Actually, this one is not usually used as a corsage orchid. Typically, the corsage orchids are Cattleya orchids. I used to have a purple and white one. Unfortunately, they died. I have such bad luck with orchids. :>( My climate is so perfect for them outside and I always kill them! :>(

7 Oct, 2015


Thanks for the correction Delonix1. I guess this is why the Botanical Garden is always so busy - it's full of people like you and me who don't have luck with them at home. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, I'm in the same zone as NYBG.

7 Oct, 2015


These orchids are grown in a big greenhouse, though, right?

I do have a few Dendrobium, Oncidium, Phaelanopsis and Epidendrum. There's hundreds of thousands of hybrids which can grow outside here if they are under laths. My Dendrobium kingianum is the easiest to grow in almost full sun along with Epidendrum hybrids.

8 Oct, 2015


Yes, these are grown in a giant greenhouse. You can see it in my blog;

I really want to try to grow Coryanthes - or the bucket orchid. They are quite an investment so I want to make sure I can provide adequate care.

8 Oct, 2015


I'll check out your blog.

Coryanthes are very tropical. I know I've seen them growing here in the Botanical Building which is in Balboa Park. It's a giant Victorian-Style lath-house which was built a hundred years ago. There's thousands of orchids and tropical plants growing and thriving in there. Orchids need very good air circulation. This is why orchids thrive in the Botanical Building because the sun is filtered and the breeze and fresh air can go through the laths. It's perfect growing conditions.

8 Oct, 2015


Paul, there is a member of GoY who doesn't really come on here much but what he doesn't know about Orchids could be written on the back of a postage stamp. He is Bernardhx. He actually writes botanical papers on orchids and lectures besides growing orchids not seen anywhere else. It might be worth trying to drop him a PM question.

10 Oct, 2015


Thank you for the leed Julia. I'll reach out to him and maybe he can answer a few questions and clear up some confusion. I'm intrigued. I'd like see some of his work.

10 Oct, 2015


Would you like his email address Paul? He is personal friend of mine.

11 Oct, 2015


Thanks Julia: His email would be great or just provide the link or website to some of his works. That might be better then his private email.

12 Oct, 2015


I'll contact him and see what he says and get back to you.

12 Oct, 2015


Thank you Julia. I'm particularly interested in Paphiopedilums (Lady Slipper Orchids) - proper care to successfully grow them in my house. Here is a photo of one. Thank you so much.

12 Oct, 2015

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