Philippine Firecracker update.
By Stan510

12 Oct, 2015
This is a plant on its own time. It held up all winter,then waited until mid summer to shed all its leafs. Mid Summer!
I had a young Hawaiian doing some plumbing and as he looked at my plants,he knew what they were. I wish I could have remembered what they call this in Hawaii. I barely remember English.
ps. My first posted pic with my new used PC.
Comments on this photo
It is a lovely plant Stan. Good to see you on line again.
13 Oct, 2015
I think it's Clerodendrum quadriloculare. I've had one for years. I'm ready to take it out. It's never bloomed! I've seen it flowering here. Mine just doesn't want to bloom. It could be it's in too much shade. It's a winter bloomer.
16 Oct, 2015
You've seen it in flower? What time of the year? How large?
Since this is pot grown,I cant really judge if it would be low or even average water use in the ground. Its average in a pot.
19 Oct, 2015
It's flowers during fall through early spring.
It has a spectacular display of flowers. Check them out on the internet. I don't think I've ever taken a photo of one flowering here. I may have, though. I've taken photos of so many Clerodendrum flowering in San Diego.
24 Oct, 2015
I had a funny feeling with no PC..I did things I put off for months.
12 Oct, 2015