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Carica papaya 'Thai Dwarf'

Carica papaya 'Thai Dwarf' (Carica papaya 'Thai Dwarf')

I planted this cluster of Thai Dwarf papayas on July 27th, as 5" (12cm) seedlings, now they're almost 4' (1.2 m) tall. Photo taken Nov. 3, 2015.

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Mine died!

5 Nov, 2015


Papaya plants are extremely difficult to grow outside tropical/ warm subtropical climates. They're also a high-maintenance plant (for fruit production).

5 Nov, 2015


It was just a whim grown from some seed in a fruit.

5 Nov, 2015


It would grow well in a heated greenhouse there, with lots of light. They need a lot of sun and heat to product flowers and develop fruit. They're sensitive to the slightest cold. A hint of frost can cause the leaves to fall off and even a light frost can kill a large plant (depending on variety) or damage them badly.

6 Nov, 2015

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