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Kniphofia uvaria (Red Hot Poker)

Kniphofia uvaria (Red Hot Poker) (Kniphofia uvaria (Red Hot Poker))

56 blooms and approx 15-20 "Green" ones coming through.

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56 blooms and counting!

27 Jul, 2008


Looks great never seen so many on one plant

27 Jul, 2008


Thanks Janette, it may have started as one plant but I think it's as old as me! It would easily divide, but why bother?'s happy there and I'm happy to leave it there.

27 Jul, 2008


I've always wanted one of those. Seems like I say that about all plants
Looks wonderful

27 Jul, 2008


It must be very happy Oldshape The most had on mine is eight ,but its still only little I grew them from seed last year ,

27 Jul, 2008


Wow Hope My Red Hot Poker Gets as Big&As Wonderful as yours Oldshape :)

27 Jul, 2008


It's definately a hum-dinger, Oldshape! Thanks for posting a pic. :-)

28 Jul, 2008



16 Oct, 2008


Hi Oldshape,
These red-hot pokers are stunning. I would love to have them in my garden
Do they need full sunlight or can they be grown in shady areas?

29 Aug, 2009


Hi Skillen, these are in full Sun. This year, I got > 70 blooms (Picture to follow). Over the winter I gave her a damn good tidy up, pulled out hundreds of dead or browning leaves. I knew I wouldn't kill it, but I wasn't sure if she'd flower. Oh, and in general these are not fed with anything.

29 Aug, 2009

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