P1060100 AA
By Bjs
- 7 Mar, 2016
Comments on this photo
Siris i have not been growing them very long and keeping an eye open to see if they set seed as yet there seems no fertile pods all stems are drying off,admittedly i have seen no Bees yet this year.
Does yours set seed or are they increasing underground from bulbils or both.
I quite like them for their colour at this time of year I have four different colours ,want one more the yellow one.
8 Mar, 2016
Brian, probably increase mostly by bulbils, then when I dig they get moved whilst too small to see. Have never looked closely enough to see if they produce seed. Only have the one bluey white colour.
9 Mar, 2016
I rather like these, have noticed they are popping up around the garden, only the common one though....
9 Mar, 2016
Brian, have the yellow ones been place in either the Northoscordum or Titeleia genus now?
10 Mar, 2016
Sirus have no idea ,problem is the botanists make these changes without asking my permission.
There are a lot of changes a few years ago I bought a scilla the name I did not know and was not until it flowered I realized I had dozens of them in the garden under the name I have known all my life silly me
They changed the name of scabia to something I could not even pronounce or remember.
10 Mar, 2016
Haha, Brian they should give us gardeners warning of a forth coming name change. I, too, have been caught out buying Acidathera/ Gladiolus bicolour.
11 Mar, 2016
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Good idea keeping Ipheon contained, mine is everywhere.
8 Mar, 2016