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Pruning Ficus.


By Stan510

Pruning Ficus. (Ficus elastica variegated.)

No room a for another tree or even tree-shrub. So,Im going to go for a large variegated pillow in the front yard. Hopefully,it will grow back dense,make a nice look.
The plant itself doesn't look especially cut back.

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I used to start trees from cutting like these in summer. That was when I lived in Hayward.

21 Mar, 2016


I gave some away to a school teacher who drove by as I was pruning the yard. She was thrilled- take all you want,I told her. I did tell her that Ficus actually root better as large cuttings.
I heard,you can even stick a large cut branch of Moreton Bay Fig in the ground and it will root. Yet,a small cutting will almost never root from those trees.

22 Mar, 2016


Yes, it's almost like Plumeria. The bigger the branch the easier the cuttings root.

24 Mar, 2016

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