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Artichoke  (Cynara scolymus (Artichoke Imperial Star))

14 March 2016
I split one of my artichokes and moved the little ones to a new spot.
One plant was divided into 7!

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Do you eat the artichoke hearts or are they purely ornimantal? The flower heads are really spectacular, although mine get covered in black fly.

26 Mar, 2016


Are these white flowers chamomile? Seven artichoke plants should give you a very nice show.

26 Mar, 2016


They are edible but I'm not really keen: I'd rather see the flowers! Luckily, mine have never had problems of black fly so far. Bees just love them!

26 Mar, 2016


these white flowers are not chamomile, unfortunately! They are just daisy-lookalike weeds. Seven artichoke plants would look fab, I hope, but I might have planted these little ones too close each other.

26 Mar, 2016

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This photo is of "Artichoke (Globe artichoke)" in Tommymoo's garden

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