Little lemon Wallflowers
By Oldbindweed

10 Apr, 2016
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The front garden again, under the window. These little plants sulked during that cold,wet Winter and I thought they would have to be removed but, a month ago, they started to fill outbud up and are now flowering nicely. They will stay there until my Busy Lizzies ( growing from seed brought back from Nepal ) are mature enough to plant in their place. I'll find room in the borders fr the wall flowers I hope as they should flower again next Spring.
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Gardening with friends since
2 Dec, 2011 -
Gardening with friends since
14 Aug, 2008
looks great , with wallflowers they are biennials that have a two-year life cycle.
Biennial plant growth begins with seeds that produce the root structure, stems and leaves during the first growing season. with you 2015.
During the biennial’s second season spring 2016, the formation of flowers and then the plant usually dies. after setting seeds , so most gardeners just pull them all out and into the compost bin.
10 Apr, 2016