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Lamium galeobdolon

Lamium galeobdolon (Lamium galeobdolon)

for ever. Very prolific in our area.

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That's a beautiful silvery green. I like the waves.

30 Apr, 2016


If one wants a ground cover for a large area here, this is it. Even faster than vinca or ivy.

30 Apr, 2016


What an impressive display!
E N V I O U S!!!!!!!!!!!

30 Apr, 2016


Wow - wish mine would spread like that - agree with Tommymoo!

30 Apr, 2016


My vinca ain't doing nothing! It makes pretty blue flowers, but it's exactly the same as when I planted it 3 years ago.

30 Apr, 2016


I haven't got any of these.
It seems it makes a fantastic ground cover!! Gone to my favourites!!

30 Apr, 2016


You cannot find Vinca in garden centers any more here Bathgate. It is on invasive plant list.

Sheila and Tommymoo, I would prefer for it not to be so prolific. Although I do like its variegated leaves and cheerful flowers.
Just posted a picture of the flower;

30 Apr, 2016


Thank you for uploading the flower! Very cheerful indeed! I really like the variegated leaves; they glow in the dark?

30 Apr, 2016


I have this plant as ground cover at the end of my garden under the trees. It's a good one isn't it, with its variegated leaves & yellow flowers.

1 May, 2016


Thank you Tommymoo on commenting on the flower.

Feverfew, This is in the area that can spread but I would think that one has to be careful in regular garden full of other plants. It is a great cover for untidy places as it can climb an jump over anything. Mine can be as high as 2 ft if it has something to hold tree trunk.

2 May, 2016

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