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Hosta June - in a pot so hopefully the snails and slugs will not get her.

Hosta June - in a pot so hopefully the snails and slugs will not get her.

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Very few of my hostas are peeping out yet. June is still below ground.

1 May, 2016


She's looking happy. Fingers crossed for no slugs. I've found spraying WD40 around the pot puts them off.

1 May, 2016


thank you both :O) will try that Waddy it is in a pot and on top of a chimney pot so hopefully they will get tired climbing the south face of the pot and give up lol :O)

1 May, 2016


A lovely Hosta,Barbara...that's a good tip from Waddy,and Vaseline works too..just a bit messy if soil gets stuck to it..Most of my pots are on gravel,or hard standing,so it's no problem..

1 May, 2016


Just to be a Job's comforter...I've even found slugs in my hanging baskets in the past!

1 May, 2016


Snap,Julia..I have baskets on the shed,and occasionally found snails in them..must be the Edmund Hillary's of their world.and have the hard hats to prove it :o).

2 May, 2016


lol :O) found a snail stuck in between the grill on the bbq the other day it went flying when I managed to get it out. lol.

2 May, 2016


Lovely Hosta ... I like the WD40 tip too!

2 May, 2016


All this has reminded me of a funny story involving a neighbour of mine...sorry if you've heard it before.
She was busy gardening the bed which had a wall between it and the road. She, like most of hates slugs and each time she came across one she picked it up on the end of her trowel and launched it over the wall, while she remained kneeing. All was going well until two cyclists rode past just as she found yet another slug. The slug went sailing through the air, to slap the nearest cyclist on the cheek. His reaction was classic. He looked up to the sky, turned to his colleague and said 'where did that come from?' Meanwhile my friend stayed crouched down behind the wall, giggling and if she was honest, ashamed to show her face!

2 May, 2016


love it!!!! so funny just the sort of thing I would do. :O)

2 May, 2016


Ha ha! Just as well it missed his mouth! Dahlias are up...most of them showing shoots at last. They must need a lot of heat to get going. Its been very sunny here lately, but cold. Toasty in the greenhouse though!

2 May, 2016


two of the four up here and one I saved from last year also up. Everything is slow in the greenhouse, no cucumbers managed it so will have to buy plants, only one courgette up just yet, fingers crossed for more still to come though. I saved some seed from Primula Japonica - Millers Crimson last back end and they have gone crazy, lots and lots of plants potted up hope they come true to form. lol knowing my luck they will be weeds lol.

2 May, 2016


Can I have some please? I've wanted those for years! Did you only get four Dahlias from SR? I got 8! That was very mean of me if you only got 4! I just sowed my ones so I can keep them in the greenhouse this year as last year was a complete disaster. Far too cold. Not got any cucs. Have just set some seed for hanging basket toms too. But as usual I have far too many tomato plants. Rachel hates to s, so she wont be getting any. Last year I took my spares to the village plant sale, so I might have to do that again.

2 May, 2016


yes four tubers, but that was good because I had been looking which to buy and four was plenty for me. Will send you some Primula once I get them boxed up will let you know. There are dozens in pots and still to be potted up, hope they come true. :O) Sammie hates toms too. She only eats them if all the seeds have been taken out and not keen even then. lol. I like them best when they are just ripe and of course you only get them like that if you grow your own, the shop ones are always over ripe for me.

3 May, 2016


I lied it was 5 tubers Karen lol sorry for the error. should have gone to specsavers. lol.

3 May, 2016


Well, that's a bit better than 4! :) If they all come they will be so beautiful in September! :)

3 May, 2016

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