Tadpoles in the sunshine
By Oliveoil

5 May, 2016
just a little bunch, they are all around the edges of the pond getting fatter by the minute. They come to the edge during the day and then disappear down into the pond once the sun has gone down.
Comments on this photo
None in our pond either ... there WAS frogspawn but we kept finding it on the brick edging of the pond each morning ... very odd! I did try to scoop it up ... awful stuff ... sticky as chewing gum ... yuk!
6 May, 2016
think if this lot mature into frogs we will be overrun with them. Upside is that they will eat lots of slugs and snails - come on taddies get growing up quick lol \;o0
6 May, 2016
Don't suppose you could send me some could you Barbra lol?!
7 May, 2016
think the post office might just have a hissy fit! lol. when I send plants out they ask what is in the parcel and I tell them plants think they always think it could be something illegal. lol can you just envisage the post office clerk's face if I said tadpoles - lol might try that one though the next time I post plants, just for a giggle lol :O)
7 May, 2016
You are a devil!!
9 May, 2016
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Not a sign in my pond ;-((
6 May, 2016