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Dypsis decaryi - Triangle Palm

Dypsis decaryi - Triangle Palm

This is one of two large triangle palms in this area. For some reason they moved these palms which were in the ground by a restaurant for many years and put into a giant pot. Photo taken May 4, 2016.

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Lovely palm.

25 May, 2016


The are tough. I have a seedling I bought off of ebay 2 years ago...doing fine in ground. Never protected in any way. Not a fast grower..but it was bare root. I expect it to one day..look like something-lol. I have to post it.

25 May, 2016



Yes, it's a beautiful palm! :>)

26 May, 2016


I used to have three in Fremont one was 12' tall the other was 6' the smallest was 3'. It was a constant battle with gofers eating the roots. The 3' one was eaten completely to the trunk by a gofer.

26 May, 2016

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