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Most hated critters in my garden.


By Resi

Most hated critters in my garden.

Dreaded vw

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How do you treat them? We've just found a fab treatment for them for the ones in my aunt and uncles garden!

29 May, 2016


Blooming things...... they can also cause trouble in the ground!!

29 May, 2016


I found this lot mostly in pots but a few in the ground dd when I was digging up the lawn, they eat grassroots??? what chance have we got?? So far I have renewed soil in pots but if I find many more I will look at nematodes.
Do tell please dandanspond what your treatment is....I hate loosening my heucheras...

29 May, 2016


'Most hated ' by me too Resi.

30 May, 2016


It's called 'nemasys vine weevil killer' it's a live nematode culture and you dilute a tiny bit in a watering can and give each pot or area a good soaking one pack covers up to 12 square metres. Then you repeat again in the autumn time. It goes through the soil and plant roots to kill them. Because it's a live culture it has a three week shelf life and has to be kept in the fridge unless it is used all at once. It's brilliant and highly affective. I recommend it, we water the affected pots and then the rest too and as much of the surrounding immediate planted area as we could just to make sure :) here's where I bought it from- hope this helps,

30 May, 2016


Dandanspond you're a star, thanks that saved me having to do lots of research, time better spend digging out my lawn, nearly finished though! Off to get some more heucheras!

30 May, 2016


Resi I used these when I had a large collection of primulas and primroses (some years ago ) I found them effective in my alpine house but less so outside,as I say this was some years ago and they may have improved the product, at that time they tended to die out at temperatures below 20c without having much effect
worth looking at the small print before you purchase as it would not be cheap to cover a large area.

30 May, 2016


Thanks Bjs but I intend to only use it for my pots, the garden plants will have to fend for themselves as I only found a couple in the whole area I dug over and as you say it would be prohibitive.

30 May, 2016


I have a large wooden tub stood on feet and did'nt know I had these until the top came off my Heuchera last year and I then found the compost was badly infested. For some years I have grown them in the ground with no sign of problems but would like to grow some in pots again, do you water in this stuff to stop them or will it only work if the infestation is present when its too late for the plant?

30 May, 2016


My aunt and uncles plants have been the same as your heuchera. You mix it in a big bucket of water and then add a drop to a watering can and fill the can with normal water so that its diluted it. Then give each pot a good soaking (that's what we did, and so far it's working)

30 May, 2016


Thanks for the info........hate them, they do so much damage..

30 May, 2016


They do!

30 May, 2016


larvae of a beetle? We have huge bumbling beetles that we call June Bugs, who come from root eating larvae/pupae like this. (sorry if I sound grammatically challenged, I always call anything living a who rather than an it...) they are so named because they only peak in June and since there has been a moratorium on spraying they have resumed their seven year peak cycles. I find them when digging a new area they like grass roots, any I find in my garden I squish and return to the soil as compost!...and then there's cutworms. Larval damage peaks in June when the pupal stage begins. small consolation when you've lost your prize d plants. I wish you luck... your good gardening practices will soon have them under control...I predict!

3 Jun, 2016


I can but hope Lori! Mind you 2 heucheras who's roots were totally chomped up, fell appart and I planted the separate bits up, one didn't make it, although I haven't given up on it all together yet! But the other 3 are growing roots again and look well healthy. Hopeful..

3 Jun, 2016


a big thumbs up!

3 Jun, 2016


I wonder if your June bugs are similar to our May bugs, very similar description Lori. I must look into it..when I get a moment!

4 Jun, 2016


June bugs are a type of scarab, I think. Native to North America also. I couldn't find much just googling "June bugs" ... Their grubs do damage to some crops and grass.
They've been the brunt of a chemical company campaign to get people to buy the chemicals to kill them.. It's a complete non-issue from what I can see...nothing like what you are dealing with.

6 Jun, 2016

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