By Lori
- 2 Jun, 2016
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sadly, it seems it's the only one I can grow! It's the wild virgin's bower. I have a hillside where it grows so abundantly that it shades out the grass beneath it. (no exaggeration, I promise) at the front of the pic is the wisteria..just getting started.
2 Jun, 2016
Old man's beard is what your virgin's bower is called here! Funny that, either virgins or old men! What's in a name...
Do you think your season is just too short or is it the cold winter temps that prevents them growing in your garden?
3 Jun, 2016
It's probably the combination of the two, M. I was checking a little rosebush near where I had the last of my southerly clems planted and found that one of my clems is still's not looking too happy but it's alive and sending up shoots. I can't seem to find a sheltered yet bright spot for them. I think it's the Exmoor...or it could be Warsaw Nike. I'm a bit worried about digging it up. I guess I should just stop wringing my hands and leave it to the fates... someday it will thrive.
3 Jun, 2016
3 Jun, 2016
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2 Jun, 2016