The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Chinese Solomon's Seal


By Siris

Chinese Solomon's Seal (Polygonatum cirrifolium)

Bought at Solent Garden Fayre, a Solomon's seal growing 1.3 to 1.5 m with thin stems and tiny lilac bell like flowers, put into the shady conservatory border.

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Growing unusual plants is catching on I see :-)

10 Jun, 2016


You and Siris are two for a pair lol

10 Jun, 2016


Andrew, only if I think they will do alright for my situation, not for novelty value.

11 Jun, 2016


I am the same Siris. My garden is planted on a no-water policy, so the conditions have to be right for every plant.

11 Jun, 2016


That's the theory, Andrew, but I occasionally get overtaken by desire. These shade lovers seem to do well for me just need to keep off the pests.

11 Jun, 2016


Oooo that's a bit different , very nice.

14 Jun, 2016


My best purchase at Solent Garden Fayre.

15 Jun, 2016

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This photo is of species Polygonatum cirrifolium.

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This photo is of "Polygonatum cirrifolium - Solomons seal" in Siris's garden

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