Various Hostas
By Naoto
- 30 Jun, 2016
Various dwarf hostas in a pot......Snow Mouse Ears, Dragon Tails, Baby Blue Eyes and Frosted Mouse Ears
Damaged by slugs and snails here and there but never mind! ;-)
Comments on this photo
I had a similar problem - I found a vine weevil after taking this pic. This means that there must be larvaes in the pot.....
I will apply provado soon and one more around September/October again.
1 Jul, 2016
You have more confidence in Provada than me, I did experiment some years ago by putting a number of grubs into a mixed solution of it they were still wriggling a week later. I do not know if they would survive But if they are in a pot with a single plant the roots can be destroyed in that time.I try and use it as a preventive but If I suspect they are already present then I tip it out and hope it is not to late
1 Jul, 2016
I wish I could afford nematodes, but from my experience in the past - that only worked temporarily.
1 Jul, 2016
I tried them when I had glass houses full of Primulas gave up on them as well really could not tell if they did any good ,seems the only sure way is under my foot
.Even my fish spit them out when offered that was a waste of time.
Have prepared another trough for the hostas will tell what I find when I clear the existing one they need splitting up so will be a good job done
1 Jul, 2016
I think, as you advise, I should check the roots once the flowers have finished.....they're in growing at the moment so I don't fancy disturbing their roots.....
1 Jul, 2016
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That looks very nice I have a trough with similar size ones but more congested ,a couple of days ago I spotted a vine weevil beetle on a leaf so think they better come out and be checked and replanted,I had a similar problem a few years ago and treated with provada but had little effect.
30 Jun, 2016