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Changes... our road


By Lori

Changes... our road

after a wash-out this spring, our road is being widened and resurfaced! Dust and mess. plus: two loads of fill and a load of wood chips!

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It will be very well worthwhile! :)

13 Jul, 2016


It will need it with the extremes of weather you get up there, road surfaces won't last long.

13 Jul, 2016


I'm waiting for a rainy day! LOL... will put a tarp over the chips and let the raindrops fall where they may...and very welcome!
the freeze/thaw thing, road salt and snow plows...yep. They take a beating. Black MacAdam is very hot in summer. Dogs must wear slippers for their walkies... and cats know better than to venture out. Rufus had to check out the chipmunks before lunch... then staggered in and drank half his water bowl! It's sizzling and storm clouds are rising. If we have lightening we need lots of water! The forest is very dry and the Env.Min. have declared a total ban of all burning. I really find it hard in the hot a result of aging I think. Would be great to have these hot sunny days it if would just cloud over at sunset and pour rain! I remember a few summers like that and the crops just popped!

13 Jul, 2016


All the small leafed foliage plants Lori make a Bay Area like scene...until the Hosta. Not a dry growing plant for sure..I gave up because everything eats Hosta.

20 Jul, 2016


I love my hostas! sad you can't grow them, Stan.

22 Jul, 2016


I do really like those large pleated blue Hosta's...but Lori,I bet even cats would wear that down if not molluscs and what not.
Hostas were among the very first plants I ever grew. Day Lillies another.

28 Jul, 2016


I have a Bressingham Blue that has those ruffled leaves the size of dinner plates! We have slugs, but not many large snails. Rufus doesn't show any interest in them...When my Mandy (dog) was with us she used to like to lie down among the mint and aegopodium...and sometimes she'd hit a hosta..but no real damage. Hot dry summer days were very hard for her as she had a triple layer coat...she was a lovely mix. I'm sure her ancestors were sled dogs. Have a pic on her on here somewhere... Our other little dog used to dig a trench to lay in... that did not go over well with Mom. My Mom always had the orange daylilies and I still grow them but that and Stella d'Oro were the only ones I had. Just got some SdO roots in a plant swap this here's hoping. I bought a "Hosta Collection" from Vesey's last year and before that all I had was a Patriot, Blue Boy and the BB.. I just love their flowers and have been trying to find the lily scented variety... not yet! but I'm still looking. The consensus is that they're a favourite of the deer ...but the deer, here, grazed my agave down to shreds but ignored the hosta 2 ft away!

28 Jul, 2016

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