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Road Crew enjoying lunch under our trees!


By Lori

Road Crew enjoying lunch under our trees!

Today is the hottest day of summer 2016!... 40 degrees!
looks like camera settings are out of whack again! it's the 13th. not the 11th. batteries going..again!

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Proper North American trucks those! :)

13 Jul, 2016


:-) 40C unbelievable! It felt like autumn here this morning, def chill in the morning air.

13 Jul, 2016


Ten Tonne Trucks, Karen! Tandem Axle Dump Trucks...they're starting to lay the crushed rock now... and the truck to the left side of the pic (which you can't see well because of the fir tree) is a water truck to keep the dust down. Will have to put a few chairs out under the trees for the workers tomorrow.
We had the coldest, driest spring on record, M. Talk about extremes... the one constant is the lack of moisture.

13 Jul, 2016


It was hotter than that here a few weeks ago. It's now just hot and humid! YUCK!!! I don't like the heat!

21 Jul, 2016


I agree... I find that dry heat is more tolerable in the long run... but it gets irritating after a while. I guess I'm a cold climate person. extremes of either heat or cold are impossible to live with...but you can always put on more clothes...but you can't peel off your skin! at least that's how I've come to look at it. :-(

21 Jul, 2016


It was extremely hot here last Wednesday through yesterday. Today the monsoonal flow is bringing clouds and possible thunderstorms. I hope we receive some we sure can use it.

25 Jul, 2016


I hope you get your rain... we've had a few drops and that's it! It's overcast and muggy but only a few drops here and there. It's enough to make a person raise her voice! Enough, already! ..give us a proper storm with water, pleeeeease!
Saw pic on the weather channel of a supercell over Phoenix... they say it's like an upside down tornado! very powerful but so concentrated.

25 Jul, 2016



Well, no rain. :>((

It's been very hot and humid. I was at the beach last Friday almost all day (on vacation). It was 95 degrees f. and very humid (heat index was probably 104 or 105 degrees F). The ocean temp at La Jolla Shores must have been in the low 80's! I thought I was getting away from the heat at my house, as it was a humid 106 degrees and can't imagine what the heat index was, though. It cooked a few of my plants.

I had never been to the beach was it was that hot. There wasn't a little breeze, which is extremely rare for being at the beach here.

27 Jul, 2016


We've had such extremes in each season of the last 6 years especially. Minus 40's C... in January...then a thaw and it's up to plus 10 C...within days. extremely cold springs which cut the frost free period down by weeks! Summers that are hot and dry, we've had only about 5-10 mm. of rain this month. Autumns that seem like attenuated summer... right into January and the vicious cycle starts over again! I was digging new beds right into the middle of December last year. That's just unheard of. Lots of confused and worried gardeners around here. I'm trying to swing over to vegetable production but for health reasons this spring I was unable to get the fruit beds started..Have spots allocated just have to get going with the shovel. I was so late planting my veggies that I'm not sure I'll have carrots large enough to harvest. Everything is so dry and the water in the well is getting lower by the day. It's a worry.
I sympathize about the lack of a nice breeze... Hope you get the moisture you need now, when you're supposed to get it. good luck.

27 Jul, 2016


It's amazing how much the weather conditions have changed throughout the world! They say it's Global Warming (I believe it)...some people don't believe it! I think the evidence is incontrovertible!

I haven't really been able to plant a vegetable garden for 5 years. It's too dry and with the extreme drought and with water restrictions it's not possible. I have one eggplant that was planted in spring of 2015 which is producing lots of eggplant fruit this year. Last year it didn't produce one fruit!

I hope you receive some much-needed rain, also! Here there's not much hope for any rain until late fall. My plants will just have to suffer, unfortunately! :>(( I have lost so many plant in this drought, it's not funny. Even in the 7 year drought I didn't loose so many plants because Northern California had normal rainfall. This current drought the whole West Coast has experienced lower than normal rainfall. The only thing saving California is that the snow pack this past winter was normal and Northern California had about 100 percent of normal rainfall. :>)) Here in Southern California we only received about 50 to 60 percent of normal rainfall. It was forecasted to be at 200 percent.

30 Jul, 2016


When glaciers are disappearing and the permafrost in the sub-arctic is starting to melt and decay...something is wrong. when animals like the Polar Bear face extinction as well as insects and animals too small to even be appreciated by most people are declining to detrimental effect; when our earth's very orientation is changed; when the magnetic poles are starting to shift; when the extinctions that are coming run their course; when there is a plastic garbage dump in the middle of the Pacific Ocean measured in square miles; when equatorial water temps are 30-40 degrees C and don't dissipate; when the Japanese finally admit their culpability for putting a nuke on a fault line in a crustal subduction zone and stop pumping heavy water into the Pacific Ocean; when whales and seals stop dying from lack of food; when the Antarctic Ice shelves don't calve bergs the size of small states; when the rise of sea level takes out coastal cities; when people finally "get it" and start to think about alternatively powered (non-petroleum) mass transport as per Elon Musk; ...I could go on as this is only off the top of my head... and with a little more research I could put the capper on it all. Our children have become addicts who don't know what solitude is. their children will never know a world like we had.

I've been saying this since I was in my teens...and read Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring". It might have been reversible if we'd started in the 60's. Now it's all too little, too late. I agree with you, Andy. It is incontrovertible.

30 Jul, 2016


As you said. 'far too little, far too late'
Our poor grandchildren..

30 Jul, 2016

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