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Gladiolus galore


By Siris

Gladiolus galore (Gladiolus)

A few of my large Gladiolus flowering. These are over wintered in the garden without protection.

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24 Jul, 2016


And they increase. I haven't bought any new ones for several years.

24 Jul, 2016


Lovely !!
I have some flowering supposed to be Butterfly Belinda but pretty sure they're not pretty though , bit like the pink climbing rose I bought which opened its first flower today and it's blue and not a climber by the looks of it .

27 Jul, 2016


This mislabelling is getting more and more of a problem with bought plants.

27 Jul, 2016


Yes it is ! The gladioli were in a pack of 10 corms from Wilkinsons they don't look like the picture on the packet !
Ooooo the one you sent me labelled as invasive is about to flower too , name escapes me .....

27 Jul, 2016


Gladiolus papilio?

27 Jul, 2016

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