An exotic at night..
By Stan510
- 24 Jul, 2016
Pachypodium lamerei at night seems to glow silvery.
Comments on this photo
Nada. While Plumeria all around it are about to open,while Pachypodium nammaquanum has flowered..I cant get mine to.
Adenium arabica had a bloom.
This guy is all grow,no bloom. So far.
6 Aug, 2016
It should bloom in late summer or fall.
My Pachypodium unknown species has lots of leaves this year. It bloomed in Feb/Mar. I'm hoping it'll bloom again in late summer or fall!
My Adenium arabicum is setting flower buds again. My large Adenium obesum is not blooming again, yet. Last and this spring it bloomed really early in March or April. It used to always bloom in late June or July.
7 Aug, 2016
This summer has been cooler then the drought summers. August should average 78f at hayx. So,you know I'm a few degree's above that in summer..say 80f. But,hayx average for August so far is a paltry 71f. egad!
Today a warming trend.
Yep,the challenge is part of the fun. This summer Andy is very challenging-lol.
7 Aug, 2016
I know my mom said it's been cooler the last 4 or 5 days.
Here it's been warm and muggy. However, not hot and humid like it usually can be in August. It's been 80 - 85 degrees during the day and the morning low 67 - 70 degrees. That comfortable for this time of year. It's also perfect for my plants. I had several plants burn a couple of weeks ago in that long heatwave. We some days of humid 106 degree weather (it was HORRIBLE!). It burned my Begonias, Howeas, Albizia saman, my dwarf Fiji tree fern and some other plants. :>((
9 Aug, 2016
Pictures by stan510
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This photo is of species Pachypodium lamerei.
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Gardening with friends since
25 May, 2016
Has it bloomed yet? There's many that have bloomed since February here. That's rare to see flowers on these plants in February...typically, it's summer and fall. My plant bloomed in Feb.
31 Jul, 2016