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Coming out from the shadows.

Coming out from the shadows.

This girl is a real trouble this year. She is not worried about me at all . I can come quite close to her and she is ignoring me. I do not know if it is good or bad.....and then we also have a mother with tiny twin fawns around......which is not a good news for my garden , but they are so cute.

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What long legs she seems to have. Is she a red deer. It must be lovely to see the fawns, but I'm still glad they are not in my garden.

27 Jul, 2016


I love this photo ... added to my favourites! I hope they don't cause too many problems for you Klahanie.

27 Jul, 2016


They are Blacktail Deer Feverfew and can be found only on the west cost of this continent.

So do I Shirley. She seems tame and maybe "trainable".
I can come over within couple of meters before she backs but walks away very slowly ....not running.
They are very smart. Outsmart my motion activated sprinkles. She munched on my plants right against our house and stared at me through the window. LOL.
We had several of them born on this property and they think this is their home.
At this point I have more problems with rabbits than deer.

27 Jul, 2016


I thought I had trouble with squirrels!!!!

27 Jul, 2016


:-) We have plenty of those also Linda.

28 Jul, 2016


Is she the same one you photographed a couple of months ago? Do they go onto neighbours' properties, not good news, if they are not tolerant of plant damage.

28 Jul, 2016


Yes she is cute Homebird.

Siris, most neighbours have dogs and cats (I am allergic to both) and they chase the wildlife which seems to find a refuge on our property. Neighbours also have a small piece of property fenced with high fencing to grow their vegetables. The Blacktail can jump a fence 7' tall wall quite easily (I 'seen it many times) I have motion activated sprinkles to chase them but deer can outsmart them. They seem to be very intelligent (for an animal)

I am not a plant collector so I have to work with tall plants with colourful leaves and few shrubs and plants they do not eat. That said, I have lots of phloxes coming out and they like them. I have 2 sprinkles protecting them. So far so good. At one point I will have to replace them.
I just need to say that our property is beautiful as is and the animals add a certain charm. I love the open wide spaces with big trees and long views .I cannot grow every plant I wish to but I do like to see all the plants and gardens here on GOY and learn all aspects of gardening.
It is both the challenge and fun.

28 Jul, 2016


Sounds idyllic, in one with nature. Looking at those hind quarters, I expect she could jump hurdles with ease.

28 Jul, 2016

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