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I came home with a sexy red head...wink,wink.


By Stan510

I came home with a sexy red head...wink,wink.

Red Malaysian Guava. With 4 fruits on it. Now,I tried this in 2007..just as we had the coldest nights since 1990. It died,still in the pot as I had bought it about this time then. But by fall it had large fruits that I had picked too soon I have since learned. They tasted like onions.
You are supposed to wait until the outside skin is tan.
This year,armed with higher knowledge(ha) I will plant in ground asap.
CORRECTION!..Those are not fruits,but flower buds. They opened today.Typical Guava post later.

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Yes, definitely flower buds. LOL! :>) My trees are loaded with fruit.

I used to have a Malaysian red guava and gave it to a friend in San Lorenzo on one of my trips to the SF Bay Area 5 or 6 years ago. It's doing very well there.

It's pretty widely grown here. The leaves get really red here, though.

Guava loves a lot of fertilizer and water to grow fast and produce a lot of fruit!.

14 Aug, 2016


oop!..I gave you an answer that repeats this!..ahh,getting old.
This has to go in ground asap.
Thanks Andy!

14 Aug, 2016


Yes, getting old suck!!! LOL!

Yes, they do best in the ground. And if it freezes one year they come back from the branches or roots very quickly! I've seen some cut down to the ground and within a year they're almost as tall as they were the previous year.

In the 1990 freeze my Psidium guajava froze to the ground and came back to more than three feet by the end of the summer. They're really tough! In a pot they're more tender...especially the Malaysian Red.

15 Aug, 2016


I went out to plant it...dug the hole (work and I had to use the hose to soften a 5 gall hole) slid the plant out..and it was barely rooted in the big pot. I think I caught 50% right and intact. The other half I didnt see a root. So,I back filled very fast.
Its in a very hot spot..and I was drenched in sweat in no time..
Well,lets see what happens. Fingers crossed.

15 Aug, 2016


It sounds like it'll grow very well soon. They love being in the ground! They grow fast in the ground.

It's so hot and humid here! I hate it! We have a heat advisory until Tuesday. It may be extended because the hot weather will continue through the end of the week.

15 Aug, 2016

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