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Plumeria 'Celadine'

Plumeria 'Celadine' (Plumeria 'Celadine')

This is a 3' (1m) cutting I stuck into the ground to root on Aug. 5th.(from a friend) It looks like it may be starting to grow now. Photo taken Aug. 5, 2016. Another side ward pic. not sure why it does this. :>((

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My favorite Plummie.
If anything begs me to plant it? Its P.obtusa. Fastest growing Plumeria I have. All I can say is..down south hotter temps get P. rubra to explode..while bay weather slows them down,P.obtusa is just fine with my temps for fast foliage.

28 Aug, 2016


That's so strange! Typically, P. obtusa 'Singapore' is the slower and much more tropical plumeria. What nice about P. obtusa 'Singapore' is that it's evergreen. My plant used to bloom many times in winter, though.

29 Aug, 2016


P.obtusa does range as far north as Florida..and isnt as desert heat needy- I think now- as P.rubra.
It might grow as a dense 4-5 ' Shrub here..while P.rubra takes the more open and tall look...and slow!

1 Sep, 2016


Here's my Plumeria obtusa 'Singapore', It took years to grow to this size in a pot.

2 Sep, 2016


That was a beauty. I see now that they are sensitive to over/under watering. I've been generous to it with water..and I notice tiny dots on the foliage. In winter when the temps dive? They take on some yellowish striping on a some of the leaves. P.rubra foliage doesn't do all that. Grows,or falls off,that's pretty much it.

Did you see my P.lamerei is blooming or stalking at least?..11 years in the making. What a relief.

2 Sep, 2016


P. obtusa 'Singapore' definitely likes water. It needs more water than most P. rubra hybrids. It's evergreen; however, every three years it would loose most of its leaves.

I have to check out your Pachypodium lamerei flowering. My Pachypodium bloomed early this year...I'm wondering if it's going to bloom again. The Pachypodium species I have is really rare. I purchased it years ago at a specialty nursery. This is the first year that it has held so many leaves. I've never been impressed with it. The trunk was burned the year of the extreme heat wave which killed my P. obtusa 'Singapore'. The temp that one day was well over 100 degrees for 12 hours staight with extremely low humidity.

4 Sep, 2016

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