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Plumeria 'Rainbow'

Plumeria 'Rainbow' (Plumeria 'Rainbow')

This is about 15' tall rainbow variety of plumeria at my former neighbor's house. Photo taken Aug. 30, 2016.

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Rainbow.. I hear that quite a bit. Is it easy to bloom on moderate heat?

1 Sep, 2016


It's either a Penang Peach or Rainbow.

2 Sep, 2016 for whatever reason said to be among the hardiest Plumeria's. Whatever was hybridized to get that color has been said to make it the one try also in cooler climates.
I've read too of high elevation Plumeria's being found in Mexico including one grown in the Mexico City botanical gardens that has never been damaged by a freezing temperatures.
Its getting those when most of the market that can grow them doesnt care about that part of the culture. z10bs +

2 Sep, 2016


Yes, Penang Peach is cool-tolerant, not hardy, though.

I know there's some high-elevation varieties that are somewhat hardy. Warren Dolby, from the Palm Society used to have a large white high-elevation Plumeria in his yard in Oakland. The tree was probably about 12' tall and beautifully branched. It was the first Plumeria I had seen growing in the ground. That was back in 1985. Unfortunately, Warren Dolby's house burned to the ground in the 1992 Oakland Hills Fire and he passed away shortly after that. It was such a shame because that garden was incredible. He had the tallest Caryota urens north of Santa Barbara, it was 50 - 55 ft tall.

4 Sep, 2016

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