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Majesty palm in Oakland.


By Stan510

Majesty palm in Oakland. (Ravenea rivularis)

Looks tropical!

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Certainly does!

15 Sep, 2016


"Palms and Roses". My idea of a great name for a Rock band...

15 Sep, 2016



16 Sep, 2016


It just needs more fertilizer. Majesty palms are such heavy feeders. I like the trunk.

Soon they'll be Majesty palms there, as big as here in San Diego. :>))

21 Sep, 2016


Slowly,but surely...or just

21 Sep, 2016


I think they grow fast long as they receive a lot of water and fertilizer. I had a big beautiful Majesty palm in Mission San Jose, Fremont. Sadly, it was cut down after I moved. I used to feed it with sulfate of ammonia and gave it lots of water. It was extremely green and grew very quickly.

Did you ever see these Majesty palms which aren't to far from where I live.

23 Sep, 2016


There is one in Hayward I used to keep track of. But,like so many here,the owners stopped watering it altogether. Its alive but sort of ragged looking when it used to be the one here in Oakland.
Haywardians took the whole reduce watering to mean ZERO water for the yards. 8%? they've done 100%. What a wasteland to so many nice plants. Most of the large Tree ferns are gone. Some left..but many decades old died.
My large Black tree fern...its making me wonder if its worth it.
Hope we get plenty of rain this year. My yards are finally looking filled and with some mature plants to balance out the many small and younger plants.
A rainy winter without frost is perfect.

23 Sep, 2016


The real irony too? In well off local cities like Pleasanton? The yards are still lush. Only of course they are all temperate things you can find at any nursery.
So,why should I kill my yard?

23 Sep, 2016


I'm so sorry to hear about the tree ferns; however, if you do get a lot of rain this year...they may come back. Tree ferns are pretty amazing!

There used to be some really nice tree ferns outside in Balboa Park and now they're goners! The drought here has been so much worse because of the very hot, dry winters the last few years in particular.

Decades old Rhopalostylis sapida and baueri have died in Balboa Park. Many of the new palms that were planted a few years back are dead or dying. It's so very sad! :>((
One of the two Royal palms planted in 2009 on each side of the reflection pool by the Botanical Building is dead. It was so extremely dry. It had more than 8' of trunk.

This is the palm:

23 Sep, 2016

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This photo is of species Ravenea rivularis.

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