Plumeria 'Pink Pastel'
By Delonix1

5 Oct, 2016
This plumeria was pretty badly burned in the extreme 10 day heatwave that just ended a few days ago. So happy it not sweltering! This is the first year that this plumeria has not flowered. It's probably due to the severe, historic drought we've been experiencing in San Diego, CA. Photo taken Oct. 4, 2016.
Comments on this photo
Me too....
5 Oct, 2016
I have all my Japanese maples scourge by sun like this(leaves even fell off) . We did not have it as hot as you Delonix1, but lots of sun and virtually no rain all summer. Started to spit here and there lately but mostly only cloudy. When does the plumeria start loosing their leaves in SD?
5 Oct, 2016
It's made it through much worse heatwaves this time of year. A few times my very large Plumeria tree in the ground was even badly burned and has killed potted plumerias. It's the extreme heat and very low humidity caused by the Santa Ana's.
6 Oct, 2016
Santa Ana wind in the forecast now?
6 Oct, 2016
Yes, they're coming back today through Sunday. It's suppose to get very hot and dry again! YUCK!!! It's the start of the Santa Ana wind season which overlaps winter.
6 Oct, 2016
Glad it made it through for you.
5 Oct, 2016