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Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold'


By Simbad

Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold' (Hakonechloa macra (Hakonechloa))

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fresh lime green leaves , does it need winter protection Simbad ?


22 Oct, 2016


Its only its second year here Gg but no I don't protect it, it'll die back soon, I have the variegated one too they really brighten it up on the slope in the wood :-)

22 Oct, 2016


Mine was destroyed by rabbits. I had to dig it out and put it in the pot and hope that it will recover. I love the "sunny" colour.

22 Oct, 2016


Oh no those rabbits have a lot to answer for!!, hope it recovers .

22 Oct, 2016


I love this grass...

23 Oct, 2016


I have a variegated one, no rabbits thankfully. Bowles Golden grass might be an alternative if rabbits are a pest

25 Oct, 2016


I have one in a pot, I must get it divided to enjoy elsewhere in the garden.

25 Oct, 2016


I bought another the other day Dawn as mine are to small to split yet, thought it'd look nice near the top of the waterfall and being impatient I couldn't wait lol.

30 Oct, 2016


So bright and lovely. Don't blame you for having another, the more the better.

30 Oct, 2016

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This photo is of "Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold'" in Simbad's garden

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