Plumeria 'Plastic Pink' or Red
By Delonix1

30 Oct, 2016
A big branch fell from my big plumeria tree on Monday. It was due to a thunderstorm downpour which lasted 25 minutes. We could have used more rain, though. Photo taken Oct. 28, 2016.
Comments on this photo
I cut several branches off a few weeks ago. It's barely the tree has gotten so large.
I'll trim a few more branches off in early spring to shape it better. I can't cut too many tips or it won't flower, though.
30 Oct, 2016
I "liked" your photo for the rain but not the damage. Do plumeria usually spread this way? ..or must you coddle the cuttings? We have had rain too but not enough. the lower stream is running very was dry for two months. The little upper stream has not run since May. Oddly, my veggie garden did reasonably well this year. I've stopped trying to predict and settled into a kind of que sera sera... now that it's November will you have more rain?
1 Nov, 2016
Just my part of the California scene- The SF bay area- Lori had more rainy days in October since 1849. We had about double the average of inches- 3"...seemed much more because LAST October we had but a .10 of an inch.
The ground here is soaking wet and I spent the mid day pulling weeds. Grasses and the like are sprouting everywhere like its spring.
1 Nov, 2016
I hope you get your much-needed rain. We know how it is to be extremely dry.
Yes, Plumeria trees will grow upright to 20 to 25 feet tall and have a bigger spread. Big cuttings are the easiest to start. I usually just stick the big cuttings right into the ground. The cutting must callous over before planting or they will rot or get diseased.
We hope to get some rain in November. The outlook is for dry and warm to hot weather. November is the sunniest month in San Diego statically.
Like Stan says most of the rain is going into Northern and Central California. We have had virtually no rain so far.
2 Nov, 2016
oh dear... I'm sorry to hear that, Andy. Is there anything even close to a "norm" anymore? I love the hardy but beautiful plants. survivors!
three inches doesn't sound like much rain, Stan...but I guess it sure beats .10 inches! We've had and inch of snow...and it went away... and a few mm.s of rain since making my comment. The pond is up to normal levels but the little stream from up the hill is still dry! Rain dance!
4 Nov, 2016
I saw a Tomato seedling sprouted in my side yard. Climate is just getting topsy turvy if you look close.
4 Nov, 2016
For the next 8 days it's forecasted to be between 82 and 87 (28 and 31C) degrees and very DRY! :>((
5 Nov, 2016
I have delphiniums blooming! ...we've had snow!..but they're blooming. I couldn't stand that heat, no point in raindancing? it just gets crazier... can't wait til after the 8th.
5 Nov, 2016
Wow! Snow already, can't imagine snow. I've never lived where it snowed. At least that's some moisture for the soil, though.
It's only been in the low 80's (28ºC) the last couple of days, very comfortable. Close to 90ºF (32ºC) by voting day Tuesday, though. The mornings lows are cooling down to 58ºF (14ºC) give or take a few degrees, very good sleeping weather.
6 Nov, 2016
Not too bad. Sort of help from ma nature to lighten the load.
30 Oct, 2016