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Aloe happier in a pot then in the ground.


By Stan510

Aloe happier in a pot then in the ground. (Aloe aborescens  variegated.)

It hated the combo of clay and hot summer sun. After two years of looking unhappy,I put it into this pot in spring or early summer. Doing fine now in the pot and part sun.

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Aat least you ve found the happy place for it Stan seems it likes it there.

31 Oct, 2016


Its a nice looking potted plant. As it grows,I will have to decide to thin or plant out.
The all green version Penny,is like a weed..a big fast growing tough plant. This is the delicate relative.

31 Oct, 2016


They would look nice split and put in a group.

1 Nov, 2016


Is there a reason why you don't plant them into the ground?

4 Nov, 2016


I had it in the ground. It just hated the clay soils,the direct sun.It was going backwards after a decent start.
I dug it up with soil...filled around with amended potting soils-perlite- and its now doing fine in filtered sun.
I think those soucal sandy soils would be perfect. Or bright shade.

4 Nov, 2016


I forgot it's a variegated plant. Variegated plants typically like a little less hot sun. My large Council tree (Ficus altissima 'variegata') in Mission San Jose, Fremont every year would get burned from the sun. It was facing south. It grew super fast there. It never had any problems with cold, ever.

6 Nov, 2016


Its didnt help that this one plant was very white from the day I bought it. That second large sucker with green is all new.
Interesting too Andy- you can see some rot from the rainy October.
Luckily,-or not?- its stopped and we are in a pattern of 70-75f. Muggy today as a remnant storm that's hitting the north state is just glancing us. No rain.

6 Nov, 2016


Luckily, the plant didn't rot. It should be dry for a while up there, also.

We are in for such a heat wave. Record high temps are expected here on Wednesday and Thursday. The long-range forecast shows much above temps for a couple weeks with no rain! :>((

8 Nov, 2016


Maybe 80f today. I tweeted a local TV weatherguy how hot it is in SD... He went on TV and pointed out how hot it is in SD! No coincidence!

10 Nov, 2016


It's been absolutely sweltering here! So many upper 90's (even at the coast) the last couple of days! The nights have been very hot for this time of year! The Santa Ana's have been pretty strong here, also.

Maybe next Thursday cooler weather with showers may be here...not holding my breathe!

11 Nov, 2016

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