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Else where just a weed but to me a show indeed.

Comments on this photo


Lovely. Looks so healthy and the flower is yellow? Ours was more brown. Looks like that you are a cactus lover:-)

9 Nov, 2016


wow...wonderful Amy

10 Nov, 2016


Those are spectacular!

10 Nov, 2016


What an amazing flower Amy.

10 Nov, 2016


Thanks every one, looking out of the window it is -2F at this time, the temperature where it came from I do not know but it sure aint that low. most other plants have been moved inside away from the frost.

11 Nov, 2016


"O" petal tip to petal tip 10.5 inches I should have taken a picture with a tape measure showing the size.

11 Nov, 2016


That's a beautiful variegated (aloe?) to the left of it too.

11 Nov, 2016


No it's an Agave Americana Mediopicta Alba I have many more but they are slow to grow

12 Nov, 2016

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