Golden Barrels return to the front.
By Stan510

10 Nov, 2016
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They've been potted,moved around...lately they were being shaded by the Mango tree's in the backyard.
So,I'm taking somewhat of a chance and them putting in front to get warm morning-afternoon sun.
Comments on this photo
I cross my fingers with what I've been doing lately...whew...
12 Nov, 2016
You need a surveillance camera in your front yard.
I was thinking of putting one on the side of the house. They're cheap now.
13 Nov, 2016
We've talked about it. Something always seems to come up first. I've seen the complete system with two camera's for less then $400 at Frys.
Maybe Santa will bring one.
16 Nov, 2016
To the right of the small Barrel Andy is a very small and old Opercularia decaryi. Its got to be near 20 year old. It was kept as a Bonsai by the previous owner..I planted it out about 10 years ago.
That tiny green smudge over the brown trunk is it.
Every now and then it would send out a long thin branch..but I just cut it back knowing that's it never going to be a large fat plant. The stunting was for too long.
Best I can get is small fat plant.
It is very drought tolerant looking green even when other plants around it are showing a bit of need to be watered in the long summers.
16 Nov, 2016
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9 Sep, 2008
Good luck! I hope no one messes with them!
12 Nov, 2016