Euphorbia " Diamond Frost"
By Oldbindweed

13 Nov, 2016
New to me this year.Never seen it in a shop or Garden Centre. Found it in the nursery at Sissinghurst Garden, Kent and fell in love with it. Took a semi ripe cutting from it on 23/9/16 , dipped it in hormone rooting powder and put it in a small pot and covered it with a clear plastic beer mug and placed it on the bathroom window ledge which faces south. After a few weeks it started to sprout little leaves followed by tiny flower bracts which are visible in the picture. Hopefully, the parent will survive outside over Winter but I'll have this little chap as a 2017 backup. I love its dainty form, shape and tiny flowers.
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This photo was taken at Sissinghurst Castle garden.
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Gardening with friends since
2 Nov, 2009
Well done you OBW
Keep the compost moist dont over water
14 Nov, 2016