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Busy Lizzies (Impatiens) flowering in kitchen window 31st December 2016 001


By Balcony

Busy Lizzies (Impatiens) flowering in kitchen window 31st December 2016 001

Busy Lizzies (Impatiens) flowering in kitchen window 31st December 2016

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Impatiens were my Mom's preferred flowers. It grows wild here.

4 Jan, 2017


Thanks Aleyna, my mum also used to like them & they were the first plant I ever grew on the windowsills of our house. Back then you could only get the tall, lanky ones with the deep pink flowers. Now we have dozens of different mixes we can choose from which are also very short.

Here in the UK we can't grow them outdoors from October to May as the cold & frost would soon put an end to them! These plants are growing & flowering on our bedrooms & kitchen windowsills, they had grown & flowered outside on the balcony for a lot of the summer.

10 Jan, 2017


My mum used to like them a lot as well. :-))

What colours do you have over there & what size do they grow to?

10 Jan, 2017


There is a lot of different collors: red, orange, pink, white, rose, etc. Also the size of the flower itself and the bushes. The climate here is favorable and they grow wild in fields, road skirts and gardens.

12 Jan, 2017


How lucky to have such a pretty "weed"! I find they self seed all over the place & then I have to dig the seedlings out of pots & troughs all summer! Mind you I don't throw them away I just plant them in other places where they can be better appreciated!

12 Jan, 2017

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