Seed Collecting - Giant Redwood
By Dawnsaunt

5 Jan, 2017
Ready for stratification ??
Comments on this photo
Lol Karen. I think I will be six foot under before they get big, that's if I get them growing. Stratification is basically putting them in the fridge for a few months.
5 Jan, 2017
Great - big big big!
5 Jan, 2017
I hope it works for you Dawn ,its lovely to have such amazing trees both for yourself and the next generation !
5 Jan, 2017
I believe they are fairly fast growing, Dawn (fast being a relative term). Someone in my gardening group has one in her (big) garden which her husband grew from seed.
5 Jan, 2017
Good luck with them Dawnsaunt, they are beautiful and majestic trees. They grow well here in Pacific Northwest.
Although, I planted a seedling couple of years ago and it died on me.
5 Jan, 2017
Go for it Dawn.......fabulous trees.
6 Jan, 2017
I planted some of these on Boxing Day...fingers crosses for a forest!! Last year I planted pine seeds can't believe how many germinated!
8 Jan, 2017
Did the cones come from a tree in your garden? That would be great if you get some offspring.
21 Feb, 2017
Hi Siris, no they came from a wood a couple of miles away. I hope they germinate like yours Sandra.
I grew some pine trees from seed collected from Euro Disney, Paris about 17 years ago, they are about 12 feet tall now.
21 Feb, 2017
No sign of mine yet..but one acer from some I collected at Chester zoo popped up this week... That's fab your pines are proper trees now Dawn.
22 Feb, 2017
Wow Sandra, isn't great that you're acer seeds are growing.
22 Feb, 2017
I have a red wood seedling!! Just the one, it's tiny...but it's are yours doing Dawn?
24 Feb, 2017
That's good then Sandra, not planted mine yet, still in the fridge!
Sandra, was thinking about you and your tomatoes and was wondering if you had ever tried growing grafted plants? I've ordered some for delivery beginning of April, they are meant to fruit earlier ?
25 Feb, 2017
No I haven't will be interesting to hear how you get on with them. All my seeds are in now... I can't wait to taste them!!!
26 Feb, 2017
Hi Sandra. I planted Ailsa Craig and Alicante seed yesterday. I will let you know about the grafted ones ?
26 Feb, 2017
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Oh my, these are beautiful pine cones! Whatever stratification is, I hope it works. Mind you...Giant you have room? Daft probably do! ;)
5 Jan, 2017