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Epimedium and bamboos

Epimedium and bamboos (Epimedium sulphureum)

both do ok in the shade of the beech tree.

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Do you get lots of flowers on the Epimediums?

28 Jan, 2017


I'm loving your bamboo.... New passion for me...planed a few last year all doing fine and showing new growth.

29 Jan, 2017


expect next door has has bamboo as well, hope they like them !!

29 Jan, 2017


this epimedium flowers well and stays evergreen. the young foliage is bronzy too.
the bamboos don't run, they have been in for 15 yrs and will only have tripled in size in that time. I suspect the roots from the neighbouring trees helps keep them in check. Thing is I've no idea what they are. There was a third but it flowered then died like they all seemed to up and down the country.

29 Jan, 2017


Which Epimedium is yours? I take the old evergreen (browned) leaves off my versicolor and rubrum so that the flowers can be seen and then the new foliage comes thro' with the patterning.

29 Jan, 2017


I was told it was E sulphreum by the lady who gave me it.

29 Jan, 2017


Yes, one of mine is vericolor Sulphureum.

30 Jan, 2017

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