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Plumeria 'Plastic Pink' or Red

Plumeria 'Plastic Pink' or Red (Plumeria 'Plastic Pink' or Red)

This Plumeria tree still has its leaves. It should be losing its leaves in the next couple of weeks. Photo taken Jan. 29, 2017.

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Looks gorgeous in the sun

1 Feb, 2017


Milky thanks.

The sun was going down. lol

2 Feb, 2017


Mine dropped its leaves- but its had no frost damage,no tip dieback. I really want to plant it out. Just worried about gophers and ..people.

6 Feb, 2017


I know you have to be concerned about the gophers and people who steal plants.

My other plumerias are mostly bare now. This one always looses its leaves late, in mid-February and comes into growth late, April.

7 Feb, 2017


ha- I have to wait until June before they leaf out...then push them hard after that.
Maybe in pots they are slower? Still,soils are cool until real warmth gets here in mid May.

11 Feb, 2017


This plumeria doesn't look full until June. It blooms later than any of the other plumeria trees, also.

I can't believe how well the plumerias are doing with all the rain. They look excellent. The large P. 'Samoan Fluff' in the front yard has really solid stems again. They were about ready to collapse by the end of summer. It was so drought-stressed I really though it was going to die. I was even putting the shower water on it and it didn't help! I guess it just needed all the soil to be wet.

11 Feb, 2017

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This photo is of species Plumeria 'Plastic Pink' or Red.

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