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Ferraria divaricata

Ferraria divaricata (Ferraria divaricata)

It has taken several years for this to settle in and finally bloom. Needs very well drained soil.

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Now thats amazing ....


11 Mar, 2017


You had said before that you were thinking of getting some bulbs of Ferraria. This last year I repotted mine in a soil mix that was very well drained, and got flowers! I love the side view.

11 Mar, 2017


Oh I did "Star Fishy Lily" , eyes bigger than my belly


11 Mar, 2017


Going to have to look this one up, how unusual.

11 Mar, 2017


I hope yours blooms faster than mind did, Gg. Only took 4 years.
Siris: Look for South African bulbs. This one is native to southern Namibia and into the North/West Cape regions. It also enjoys being warm and dry in the summer; and since it hasn't been that cold this year during the winter, it may also like staying above 10°C.

11 Mar, 2017


Not for me then, although it looks fabulous.

11 Mar, 2017 does offer one, but at £24.50, it is a bit pricey.

12 Mar, 2017


Thanks Wylie, Enjoyed looking at that site, it enabled me to put a species name to my Trillium, which I always thought was wrongly named.

12 Mar, 2017


I am waiting for some Tigridia bulbs to arrive from there.

13 Mar, 2017


2 ferraria corms £9.99p from T&M but not in season yet AND V&M £7.99 FOR 2


13 Mar, 2017

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This photo is of species Ferraria divaricata.

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