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Aloe marlothii Flowering

Aloe marlothii Flowering (Aloe marlothii)

This is one of many flowering Aloes at the San Diego Zoo. Photo taken Feb. 13, 2017.

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Interesting plant. I didn't know they flowered.

21 Mar, 2017


Yes, all Aloe species have pretty spectacular flowers. They generally start blooming in early winter (most species) through early spring. A few do flower in summer, though.

Some Aloe species grow into to pretty large trees. Aloe barberae (bainesii), which has salmon-colored flowers for example.

21 Mar, 2017


That's quite a display. I love the color.

21 Mar, 2017


I think this one is Aloe thraskii. Here's a pic. of me taken with one on Jan 2, 2010.

21 Mar, 2017


Thanks Great pics. How long does it take to grow that big?

21 Mar, 2017


finally I get to see your face!

21 Mar, 2017


Some Aloe species grow very fast and then there's the slow-growers. Aloe thraskii grows fast.

Yes, I show my mug once in blue moon. LOL!

Here's a really funny one of me looking like a tourist in Balboa Park.

21 Mar, 2017


thanks I'll check it out

21 Mar, 2017


This is amazing! I too didn't realise that it flowered! Orange coloured flowering flowers and plants are always a big favourite with me... ;o)

21 Mar, 2017


Aloe marlothii. Its one of the top must have Aloes.

22 Mar, 2017



Yes, they all flower. Some are very spectacular in bloom.

22 Mar, 2017



Thank for the id. I couldn't remember the name. I know I've posted this one before in the past.

22 Mar, 2017


Love the colour of those flowers....

22 Mar, 2017


Thanks! :>))

I do the like the salmon-colored flowers on A. barberae and the brighter orange-yellow-gold flowers on A. thraskii. You can see the flowers on the link above Bathgate's post.

23 Mar, 2017


My old Aloe barbarae still has not flowered. I stuck a cutting in the ground in 1999-2001 era. Its now about 10' tall and triple trunked. Its looking very green. Milder temps and all this rain have done it well. Its also branching for the first time.
The problem has always does not get all day sun,and I crowd my plants.
Just what has to be!

23 Mar, 2017


Yes, almost all Aloe species need all day sun to flower best. That's a long time for it not to bloom.

My friend in the Oakland Hills has a large A. barberae which flowers. I know he's had it in the ground for at least 20 years (it gets all day sun facing west).

23 Mar, 2017


Sometimes I forget I have my plants having to put up with crowding. It does slow things down. Its either that or not having it.

28 Mar, 2017


Yes, some plant love crowding and some plant/trees despise it!

I lost my Keitt Mango tree to crowding. It was almost completely shaded and eventually died!

30 Mar, 2017


I have a few seedlings of this species.

3 Apr, 2017


Thanks. :>))

Meanie, do they grow easily from seeds?

I only know of growing them from cuttings, which is very easy.

3 Apr, 2017


Fresh Aloe seed germinates easily enough. The tricky bit is not killing the seedlings when they're very young.

3 Apr, 2017


What do you mean not killing the seedlings? Keeping them dry or wet enough?

4 Apr, 2017


More like keeping them just right! Either side of the right moisture level and they turn their toes up in the blink of an eye (or so it seems).

4 Apr, 2017


I guess like with most seedlings a percentage will damp-off.

4 Apr, 2017


Aloe seedlings seem particularly picky. Or maybe I'm just clumsy!

8 Apr, 2017


The seeds most likely love to fall to the ground and germinate! If it wasn't so wet there you could probably do that and get them to grow. They most likely would like temps consistently at or above 85ºF (29ºC), also (not sure if you get constant temps so warm there in spring).

9 Apr, 2017


You're a joker aren't you Delonix! We don't get constant temperatures of 29ºC in the summer, let alone the spring.

10 Apr, 2017


You mean you don't get spring heatwaves?

I remember the first time I ever went to Europe (many years ago). There was a huge heatwave for most of the month of May. Everywhere I went I had a big coat and it was roasting! I didn't go the to the U.K., though. (I went to Amsterdam, Brussels, Geneva, Paris, Zurich, Salzburg, Munich, and Berlin). I do remember many of the Europeans saying it was unusually hot.

10 Apr, 2017


Wonderful flowers I too did nt know they flowered.

3 Jun, 2017


Yes, all Aloe species flower. Most species of Aloe flower during winter.

4 Jun, 2017


How cold can they tolerate

4 Jun, 2017


Not sure how much cold they can take. This one is most likely very tender. I know species are very hardy, though.
Some species can take freezing temps; however, not for an extended period of time, though.

5 Jun, 2017


Yes I would imagine this one is tender but its good others can with stsnd freezing for a while.

6 Jun, 2017


Generally, as a rule the larger tree-type species of Aloe are much more tender. The smaller varieties are hardiest.

7 Jun, 2017


How strange.

7 Jun, 2017


It's actually not so unusual. The smaller species are native to cooler areas.

7 Jun, 2017


That explains it then, so for colder climates its best to grow the smaller type.

7 Jun, 2017


Yes, I believe Aloe vera (or Aloe barbadensis) is hardy in zones: 8 - 11b. Aloe species don't do well in climates that receive a lot of rain year-round, nor with very rainy cold winters.

8 Jun, 2017


Thats good to know we get rainy weather a lot here our seasons dont come like they use to yet Germany are still like what our seasons were like.

8 Jun, 2017


Yes, in lots of rain they may rot.

8 Jun, 2017


I would nt try growing them here then.

8 Jun, 2017


I would guess it may be a challenge to grow there.

9 Jun, 2017


They would grow down south in Cornwall here especially at the Eden Project which is a quarry they have converted for plants here are some photos for you at the Eden Project St Austell Cornwall.

9 Jun, 2017


I've seen the photos. Someone on GoY posted pics in the past. Very interesting.

13 Jun, 2017


Thats great they do alter the planting out side each season yes it is interesting years ago I bought my evergreen Agapanthus an African white lily from there.

One of the lads that built the domes he use own the Rising Sun pub in Bristol with my ex boyfriends son.

13 Jun, 2017


Cornwall should also have large Echinopsis terscheckii.

16 Jun, 2017


I dont know what they have there now Stan as they alter it.

16 Jun, 2017

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