Mango madness.
By Stan510

5 Apr, 2017
Growing them in the bay areas is uncommon. So I watch closely what this plants reaction to the seasons are. Its getting ready to flower.
Comments on this photo
I trimmed off the frost singed leafs...over all its done well considering the heavy rains and cool winter. Already it taken two winters in a row with zero protection from me. Same results- a few leaves lost from winter...then fine growth the rest of the year.
They just need to be babied the first two years in ground. Lots of water,regular fertilizers,lots of sun. After that,they get easier and easier to keep happy.
7 Apr, 2017
I think once they grow to 6' they're pretty tough. Small seedlings are definitely more tender.
The trees here are in full bloom. They're peaking bloom much later than last year. You might remember my pics from last year when they were in full peak bloom by mid-to-late February. So, this means the mango trees will be on their regular ripening schedule from: August through October and even into November. The last two or three years they we're ripening in late May through July.
9 Apr, 2017
Last year,it grew like it was in soucal..3'. From spring 5' to now at 8'. I dont think its going to add that kind of height with so many buds on it. I think right now all tips have flower buds.
The largest Papaya died Andy...shriveled at the base. The other second largest is still standing healthy. BUT,I saw a gopher hole near it and the banana's. I hope 4 cats get to it...
18 Apr, 2017
Last year was an exceptional year! You may be surprised how much it'll grow with all the rain this year. Here the mango trees are still flowering and pushing new growth again!!! I can't believe it! It's boggling my mind how many flushes of growth I've seen on the local trees. I've been so busy I haven't taken any pics.
I'm sorry to hear about the papayas. It's difficult to keep them healthy or alive during a very wet winter. They don't even like Kalihi Valley, Honolulu, HI (where I'm from) because it's too wet. They rot even there.
18 Apr, 2017
Have you seen all the mango tree pics on GoY?
Here they are:
18 Apr, 2017
Pictures by stan510
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What else?
See who else is growing Mangifera indica (Mango).
See who else has plants in genus Mangifera.
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25 May, 2016
It's looking really good.
7 Apr, 2017