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unknown primula

unknown primula

It is pretty much true colour.

Comments on this photo


Marginata for sure looks similar to the one Naoto has posted,But similar is as far as I would go.

7 Apr, 2017


could it be P.marginata 'Mauve Mist'?

7 Apr, 2017


That is the one Naota has the picture of

8 Apr, 2017


It does indeed look like her one. It was not placed but I got a second and 3 thirds so not at all unhappy with that. I will post photos when I have time. It was an excellent show.

8 Apr, 2017


I am "he"....not "she" ;-)

9 Apr, 2017


I beg your pardon Naoto. I thought I had seen you in an early blog as a mum with two young children. When I was looking through your blogs today I realised you were not that person. Like all keen gardeners I just did not think about it. I just accept members as gardeners. I hope I have not offended you.

9 Apr, 2017


This is a pretty primula ..

19 Apr, 2017


It is a lovely shade of purple. I am pleased I entered it in the show. It was not placed but I was given good advice on taking care of it. It should not be all leggy but quite a tight mound. I will take cuttings as instructed and try again next year.

19 Apr, 2017


Good luck next year !

19 Apr, 2017


Thank you

19 Apr, 2017

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