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Looking over to the pond

Looking over to the pond

It had lots of frog spawn which has hatched and they are all swimming around the edges - the water has turned quite green but it always does at this time of year before the oxygenating plants get going properly.

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Looks good love that red plant what is it please.

20 Apr, 2017


Put some in a jar and send em up then! ;) Not a sign of anything in mine.

20 Apr, 2017


think it is Pieris Forest Flame Thrupenntybit, its been in a few years now and growing so tall.

Karen if only you lived nearer. We have lots of frogs all over in the garden. Paul was cutting the grass in his rearing pens and he had the blades set high - thank goodness, cos there were large frogs jumping out in front of his mower.

20 Apr, 2017


Oh......eeeeuw.....I hope he didn't decapitate any little froggies....You need a heron to cull them for you! :)

20 Apr, 2017


Its beautiful thank you Oliveoil.

20 Apr, 2017


Karen he said they jumped off in front of him and one he placed over the fence to where he had already cut the grass. Strangely we have a heron fly over looking for fish I think, he used to sit on the pond side when we first put the pond in.

Thrupennybit you are welcome just hope that is the name - it is very confusing with all the names of plants. I have another one which is named very similar, think it is Pieris Forest Fire and I do get the names muddled up.

20 Apr, 2017


Please can I have some of your foggiest, not a sign in my pond either!

22 Apr, 2017


sorry Waddy maybe next year they will come and croak for you. I think its the unkempt pondside they like, not very organised up there. Lots of tall plants and some grass that they can hide in along with rocks and upturned plantpots. They seem to like it like that and of course a regular supply of slugs and snails for them to munch on. lol.

22 Apr, 2017


I have zillions of frogs this year, and toads.. Very strange, not a lilac anywhere. Record temperature today 90 degrees.
Not very many fruit blossoms either. Definitely climate change...weird. Love your latest photos.

18 May, 2017

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