Iris 'Jane Phillips'
By Thorneyside

21 Apr, 2017
Iris 'Jane Phillips' a swop from Siris. First to flower.
Comments on this photo
Sorry Thorney, that is not Jane Phillips which is all pale blue. I do not know this one's name, it is a very old one and always one of the first to flower, clumps up well and is very reliable. I just call it early blue.
21 Apr, 2017
It was the name on the label Siris but please don't be sorry, it's beautiful. (I could have mixed up the labels.)
25 Apr, 2017
Did I send you both. They are in adjacent clumps.
2 May, 2017
The labels say no Siris but time will tell. Your labels were tied with string to the rhizomes but that doesn't mean I didn't mix up when planting.
2 May, 2017
The one pictured is such a strong grower, not that JP isn't, and as the rhizomes increase they tend to increase into adjacent clumps. Or more likely dug up several and put the wrong ones in the wrong heap. Send you some more (not the one pictured,) when convenient).
7 May, 2017
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21 Apr, 2017