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2nd surprise find this year :-).

2nd surprise find this year :-).

Due to this time last year, the garden was so overgrown with weeds I didn't see this last year either so didn't know it was there. Sitting in conservatory eating my lunch, saw some purple so went to investigate and found this. :-) Iris?

Under lilac in back garden.

Comments on this photo


What a lovely surprise! It looks like a Duch Iris. Aren't they nice? I have a few here and was thrilled to find that a clump of blue ones had spread from two to five!

16 May, 2017


Thanks Sue, it was a nice surprise, got my phone straight out and took photo lol. That was a nice surprise for you.

16 May, 2017


Sorry to contradict, but its actually an Iris sibirica I think. They like damp conditions in general. Absolutely beautiful plants. The flowers dont last all that long, like most Iris, but they are really elegant clump-forming perennials and dead easy to keep. :)

16 May, 2017


Beautiful colour and markings.

16 May, 2017


Thanks Karen, well I got the Iris bit right lol. Getting better :-). Thats probably why I didn't see it last year. Had a late start in garden due to a bad dog bite so wasn't allowed to do any gardening for over a month while it healed so when I did clear weeds around it, it probably had finished flowering.

thank you Thrupennybit, it is pretty. :-).

16 May, 2017


I have to restrain myself with them Jen...I really love them, but they have a limited season of interest so don't want too many. :)

16 May, 2017



16 May, 2017


Thanks for the correction Karen. I haven't got any Sibirica to compare them with and my Dutch ones are in flower at the moment - at least they were bought as Dutch ones.
I can't find a pic of both together to compare - help please!

16 May, 2017


Not that you would like/need to lift them, Dutch are bulbs, Siberica have rhizomes,(gnarly rootstocks) but like moisture unlike Bearded rhizomes which hate sitting in wet conditions. If they like where they are, just enjoy them.

17 May, 2017


How nice to spot those waiting to greet you !

17 May, 2017


Thanks for that Siris, they are not bulbs but as you say roots. Don't plan to move them but nice to know how if I changed my mind.

Terratoonie, I was over the moon when I found them lol

17 May, 2017


They are a similar size and form of flower to a Dutch Iris Stera...but I haven't seen a Dutch with those markings on the lower petals...but that doensn't mean there isn't one. And Sibiricas have a lot of very upright strappy leaves, whereas my Dutch in the past have had quite soft almost floppy leaves. I always recognise a Sibirica...once you've grown a plant you always know it don't you :) They form a clump from the rhizomes.

17 May, 2017



21 May, 2017


Thank you Hillsidegirl, move flowers have opened and I'm still amazed I didn't see it last year. :-)

22 May, 2017


Thank you Karen and Siris. Easy when you know isn't it!

22 May, 2017

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